Izdelki za stroji za izdelavo (24)

microMIRA™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microMIRA™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

3DMicromac’s microMIRA™ LLO system provides highly uniform, force free lift off of different layers on wafers at high processing speed. The unique line beam system is built on a highly customizable platform that can incorporate different laser sources, wavelengths and beam paths to meet each customer’s unique requirements. The laser system can be used for a variety of applications, such as GaN lift off from glass and sapphire substrates in microLED display manufacturing as well as in semiconductor manufacturing. Additional applications include laser annealing and crystallization for surface modification. Force free and extremely fast line beam laser processing No damage due to thermo-mechanical effects Low production costs Elimination of costly and polluting wet chemical processes Integration of adjacent manufacturing steps for higher fab productivity


Die Kombination aus Wissen, Organisationstalent, Handwerk und modernster Technologie macht es möglich. Der sorgfältige Umgang mit den Materialien, moderne und gewartete Maschinen und nicht zuletzt eine fachlich hoch qualifizierte Mannschaft geben unseren Kunden und uns die Gewissheit, in kurzer Zeit das geforderte Produkt herstellen zu können. Unser Leistungsspektrum umfasst: Vorrichtungen für Fertigungs,- Montage- und Hilfsprozesse Werkzeuge für Schnitt-, Stanz- und Umformwerkzeuge kleiner Bauart Lehren zur Bauteilprüfung für hohe Prozesssicherheit im Automobilbau Sondermaschinen nach Aufgabenstellung oder Vorgaben des Kunden Einzelteilfertigung nach Kundenzeichnung oder Musterteilen kurzfristige Fertigung von Ersatzteilen für Reparaturen bei Havarie
Posebne Strojne - Avtomatiziramo vašo proizvodnjo v tehnologiji pakiranja!

Posebne Strojne - Avtomatiziramo vašo proizvodnjo v tehnologiji pakiranja!

Spezialmaschinen von Gustav Obermeyer Neben unseren Standard-Maschinen in den Bereichen Tuben, Flaschen und Tiegel liegt unserem Unternehmen vor allem der Spezialmaschinenbau im Bereich Verpackungen und Automatisierungstechnik am Herzen. Wir bieten unseren Kunden Speziallösungen für alle Bedürfnisse, damit Sie als Kunde für jedes Produkt die richtige Anlage erhalten. Speziell angefertigte Montageautomaten und Abfüllmaschinen können Ihnen in allen Branchen, speziell in der Kosmetik– und Pharmabranche einen entscheidenden Vorteil verschaffen. Flexibilität und Individualisierbarkeit sind uns äußerst wichtig. Diese erreichen wir, indem unsere Standard-Maschinen bequem erweiterbar sind und dank unserer Bausteintechnologie präzise nach Ihren Wünschen angepasst werden können.
Mehanska proizvodnja po risbi in gradnja posebnih strojev po zahtevah stranke

Mehanska proizvodnja po risbi in gradnja posebnih strojev po zahtevah stranke

Der Kunde hat bereits eine Konstruktion, die sehen wir uns an. Prüfen die CE - Konformität an, passen die Zeichnung an. Der Kunde weiß was er will, dann wird's Zeit, dass er uns das sagt. Nicht sauer sein, wenn wir Fehler finden. Wir bearbeiten nach Ihren Vorgaben und bauen nach Ihren Konstruktion aber wir bleiben wach dabei.
Pogodbeno Proizvodnjo

Pogodbeno Proizvodnjo

Wir fertigen Ihre Lohnfertigungen entsprechend Ihrer Fertigungszeichnung und zu günstigen Preisen. Dabei bearbeiten wir bevorzugt Klein- und Mittelserien.
Pogodbeno Proizvodstvo

Pogodbeno Proizvodstvo

Unsere umfangreichen Fertigungsmöglichkeiten bieten wir als Lohnfertigung nach Ihren Zeichnungen, Wünschen und Ihrem oder unserem Material an.
Proizvodnja Natančnih Delov

Proizvodnja Natančnih Delov

Wir fertigen für Sie feinmechanische präzise technische Bauteile und Baugruppen für die Uhrenindustrie, Medizintechnik, Schmuckindustrie, den allgemeinen Maschinenbau, Luft- und Raumfahrt, die Elektro- / Hochfrequenztechnik vom Prototypen- bis hin zur Präzisions- und Lohnfertigung für die automatisierte Serienfertigung. Wir bieten: Lohnfertigung und Dienstleistung in der CNC Fertigung (Drehen und Fräsen) Lohnfertigung für die feinwerktechnische Montage von komplexen Baugruppen Serienfertigung von 50 bis 100.000 Stück Wir verarbeiten: Titan (Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 5) Edelstahl (1.4435, 1.4401 etc.) Werkzeugstahl Gold, Platin, Tantal für u.a. die Schmuckherstellung Aluminium und -legierungen Messing oder Kupferlegierungen Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
IP Proizvodnja

IP Proizvodnja

IP Production übernimmt die Fertigung von Teilen, die Herstellung von Maschinenbaugruppen sowie die Fertigung und Montage/Inbetriebnahme von kompletten Maschinen & Anlagen.
Proizvedeni deli iz plastike

Proizvedeni deli iz plastike

Sie haben genaue Vorstellungen, welches Material wir verwenden sollen? Wir fertigen Ihre Formen und Werkzeuge, Prüfvorrichtungen, Einzelteile, Designstudien, GFK-Teile, komplexe Prototypen aus dem Kunststoffmaterial, dass Sie wünschen. Sprechen Sie uns an oder senden Sie uns gern eine Anfrage per Mail. Sie erhalten i. R. innerhalb von 24 h ein kostenloses und verbindliches Angebot von uns.
Funkcije nadzora - Multi-TCP - Multi-TCP aplikacije, kjer sta dva ali več orodij

Funkcije nadzora - Multi-TCP - Multi-TCP aplikacije, kjer sta dva ali več orodij

Um jedoch Multi-TCP Anwendungen sensorgeführt zu steuern, ist komplexes Know-how erforderlich. Die Lösungen von ibs Automation ermöglichen eine gleichzeitige Bearbeitung von Werkstücken mit zwei sensorgeführten Bearbeitungsköpfen, an die hohe Genauigkeitsanforderungen gestellt werden. Damit lassen sich nicht nur präzise Fertigungsprozesse realisieren, sondern auch deutliche Produktivitätserhöhungen erreichen.
Berthiez Rvu 900/80

Berthiez Rvu 900/80

Fewer rejects thanks to high concentricity and axial runout accuracies (< 2 μm) Wide manufacturing range thanks to precise and powerful table drive (torque motorIncreased productivity through complete machining in just one setup Swing diameter:mm 900 Grinding diameter:mm 800 Height under grinding wheel thickness 100 mm:mm 600 Standard table diameter:mm 800 Table speed:rpm 150 Table load:kg 2,000 Carriages:1 Grinding ram stroke:mm 800 Feed force:kN 10 X- and Y-axis speed max.:mm/min 10,000 Spindle-holder tilt:degree - 5° + 275° Tilt lead:degree 1° (Hirth) Power (conv. GW) (S1):kW 7 à 25 Speed (conv. GW):rpm 6,000 à 12,000 Power (CBN wheels) (S1):kW 15 / 25 Speed (CBN wheels):rpm 8,000 / 18,000 GW diameter (conv. or CBN) max.:mm 150 / 300 Wheel thickness max.:mm 50 / 100 Wheel-holder clamping taper face:x Surface grinding spindle (conv. GW) (S1):kW 25 Spindle speed:rpm 5,000 Wheel diameter max.:mm 400 Electropermanent magnetic chuck No. of poles / slots width:mm 24 / 10H10
microCELL™ TLS - Pogodbeno izdelovanje je na voljo.

microCELL™ TLS - Pogodbeno izdelovanje je na voljo.

3DMicromac‘s microCELL™ TLS is a highly productive laser system for separation of standard silicon solar cells into half cells. The microCELL™ TLS meets cell manufacturers‘ demands by retaining the mechanical strength of the cut cells. The ablation free process guarantees an outstanding edge quality. Laser processing on-the-fly and an innovative handling concept enable maximum throughput and yield in the full scale manufacturing of crystalline half cells. The microCELL™ TLS system offers half cell and stripe cutting for improved module performance. The TLSTechnology™ has gained importance in contrast to conventional separation techniques due to smooth and defect free cutting edges. This leads to a significant higher module power gain and less module power degradation.
microVEGA™ xMR - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microVEGA™ xMR - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

The microVEGA™ xMR system provides high throughput laser annealing for monolithic magnetic sensor formation. A highly flexible tool configuration, the microVEGA™ xMR can accommodate both Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) and Tunnel Magnetoresistance (TMR) sensors, as well as easily adjust magnetic orientation, sensor position and sensor dimension—making it an ideal solution for magnetic sensor production. The microVEGA™ xMR uses on-the-fly spot and variable laser energy to provide selective heating of the pinning layer in each sensor in order to “imprint” the intended magnetic orientation. Magnetic field strength and orientation is adjustable by recipe, while high temperature gradients ensure low thermal impact. This allows sensors to be processed directly next to readout electronics as well as closer together, and enables the production of smaller sensors—freeing up space for processing more devices per wafer.
microPRO™ XS za OCF - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microPRO™ XS za OCF - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

The microPRO™ XS system provides laser annealing with high repeatability and throughput in a versatile system. Combining a state-of-the-art laser optic module with 3DMicromac’s modular processing platform, the microPRO XS is ideally suited for ohmic contact formation (OCF) in silicon carbide (SiC) power devices. The microPRO™ XS for OCF features a UV wavelength diode pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser source with nanosecond pulses and spot scanning to process the entire metalized backside of SiC wafers. It forms ohmic interfaces and cures grinding defects, while preventing the generation of large carbon clusters and heat related damage to the frontside of the wafer. Best in class cost per wafer High throughput – 150mm wafers can be processed in a single step Flexible recipe programming and wide parameter range.
microCELL™ MCS - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microCELL™ MCS - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

The advanced microCELL™ MCS laser cutting system has been developed to meet the photovoltaic (PV) market’s demands for boosting module power output and service life by minimizing power losses and providing for an exceptionally high mechanical strength of cut cells. It enables the highest throughputs for cutting cell sizes up to M12/G12 into half cells or shingled cells. The microCELL™ MCS system takes advantage of 3DMicromac’s patented thermal laser separation (TLS) process for cell separation. The ablation free technique guarantees an excellent edge quality. The microCELL™ MCS system offers half and shingled cell cutting for improved module performance. The TLS Technology™ has gained importance in contrast to conventional separation techniques due to smooth and defect free cutting edges. This leads to a significantly higher module power gain and less module power degradation.
Leseni proizvodni deli

Leseni proizvodni deli

Wir fertigen für Sie Ihre Bauteile aus Holz mit einer Größe bis zu 3000 x 2000 x 1000 mm. Sprechen Sie uns an oder senden Sie uns gern eine Anfrage per Mail. Sie erhalten i. R. innerhalb von 24 h ein kostenloses und verbindliches Angebot von uns.
microPREP™ PRO - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microPREP™ PRO - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

The microPREP™ PRO system was developed to provide efficient laser sample preparation fitted to the needs of microstructure diagnostics and failure diagnostics. Therefore, with microPREP™ PRO material samples can be prepared effectively and economically by using an ultrashort pulse laser. microPREP™ PRO allows to create complex and 3D-shaped samples to enable more comprehensive analysis of certain structures like in advanced packages, such as through silicon vias (TSVs), or even complete systemsinpackage (SiP). Furthermore, it is ideal to provide larger sized samples with microlevel precision. The integrated overview camera assists in navigating on larger samples – the high definition process camera allows for exact positioning. Moreover, the application of a picosecond laser ensures virtually no structural damage and no elemental contamination of the material.
microDICE™ - sistem za rezanje waferjev - Proizvodnja po pogodbi je na voljo.

microDICE™ - sistem za rezanje waferjev - Proizvodnja po pogodbi je na voljo.

The microDICE™ laser micromachining system leverages TLSDicing™ (thermal laser separation) – a unique technology that uses thermally induced mechanical forces to separate brittle semiconductor materials, such as silicon (Si), silicon carbide (SiC), germanium (Ge) and gallium arsenide (GaAs), into dies with outstanding edge quality while increasing manufacturing yield and throughput. Compared to traditional separation technologies, such as saw dicing and laser ablation, TLS Dicing™ enables a clean process, microcrack free edges, and higher resulting bending strength. Capable of dicing speeds up to 300mm per second, the microDICE™ system provides up to a 10X increase in process throughput compared to traditional dicing systems. Its high throughput, outstanding edge quality and 300mm wafer capable platform enables a true high volume production process, especially for SiC based devices.
microCETI™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microCETI™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

3DMicromac’s brand new microCETI™ uses the most innovative LIFT (Laser Induced Forward Transfer) laser process, which is an essential factor in the process chain for manufacturing microLED displays. The fully integrated laser system is characterised by its compact footprint and high variability. The microCETI™ enables the transfer of hundreds of millions of microLEDs without the use of mechanical forces, thereby ensuring that microLEDs of almost any shape and size can be transferred. This ensures cost-effective production of microLED displays. Most cost-effective production of microLED displays Unique LIFT module Highest transfer rate ten times faster than competing technologies Flexible software for integration into production lines Handling options for wafers (up to 8″) and sheets (up to Gen.2)
microFLEX ™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microFLEX ™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

3DMicromac‘s highly versatile microFLEX™ product family is the all-in-one solution for manufacturing flexible thin films in photovoltaics, electronics, medical devices, displays, and semiconductors. The production systems can handle various substrates, material thicknesses, and types such as polymer films, stainless steel, and thin glass. The microFLEX™ systems combine high precision laser processing with cleaning and packaging technologies, as well as inline quality control. Due to its modular concept, various customized solutions are available, reaching from industrial mass production to pilot lines as well as applied research. High throughput and efficiency on-the-fly processing; high machine uptime; multiple tension controllers; contactless substrate guiding Highest flexibility easy machine layout modification by modular concept Cost advantages Long term security of investment; reasonable cost of ownership; easy to upgrade and modify; different micro environments.
microSHAPE ™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microSHAPE ™ - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

3DMicromac‘s microSHAPE™ laser system is designed for the processing of large and flat substrates with high accuracy. The highly versatile system allows the combination of different laser processes in a single machine. In addition, it is capable of processing with multiple working heads – this parallel processing makes higher throughputs achievable. microSHAPE™ is an industry proven solution for all kinds of ablative and non-ablative processes. These include cutting, selective removal of thin films, and structuring processes like engraving and marking. The microSHAPE™ system is suitable for machining a variety of materials, e.g. glass, metals, polymer, ceramics, display stacks, and coated substrates. Free form cutting with extraordinary quality Damage free cutting edges Contactless processing enables minimal cost of ownership Cutting speed up to 1.5 m/sec Laser sources according to customer requirements Up to 3 independent beam paths
microDICE™ - Sistem za rezanje waferjev - Proizvodnja po pogodbi je na voljo.

microDICE™ - Sistem za rezanje waferjev - Proizvodnja po pogodbi je na voljo.

The microDICE™ laser micromachining system leverages TLSDicing™ (thermal laser separation) – a unique technology that uses thermally induced mechanical forces to separate brittle semiconductor materials, such as silicon (Si), silicon carbide (SiC), germanium (Ge) and gallium arsenide (GaAs), into dies with outstanding edge quality while increasing manufacturing yield and throughput. Compared to traditional separation technologies, such as saw dicing and laser ablation, TLS Dicing™ enables a clean process, microcrack free edges, and higher resulting bending strength. Capable of dicing speeds up to 300mm per second, the microDICE™ system provides up to a 10X increase in process throughput compared to traditional dicing systems. Its high throughput, outstanding edge quality and 300mm wafer capable platform enables a true high volume production process, especially for SiC based devices.
microSTRUCT™ C - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

microSTRUCT™ C - Pogodbeno proizvodnjo je na voljo.

3DMicromac‘s microSTRUCT™ C is a highly flexible laser micromachining system predominantly used in product development and applied research. Superior flexibility makes the system ideally suited for laser structuring, cutting, drilling and welding applications on a variety of substrates, e.g. metals, alloys, transparent and biological material, ceramics and thin film compound systems. The microSTRUCT™ C offers a maximal degree of freedom regarding the positioning of the substrates. Flexible, stable and repeatable machining results Two independent and free configurable working areas with various optical setups Open system concept for the integration of different laser sources High range of software functions (Masterscript) User friendly, flexible, upgradeable system
Dörries Contumat Vc 2000 V

Dörries Contumat Vc 2000 V

With the addition of a moveable table, traversing through the twin column portal design of the VC machine range, the VCV provides the ultimate flexibility for machining large components. In addition to the «on center» machining capability of a standard lathe the VCV machines are able to machine eccentric features. With the use of our extensive range of standard milling and drilling attachments, the VCV machine range is capable of full 5 sided machining of components up to 12,000 mm in diameter and 350 tons in weight. On machines with a Yaxis the component can be machined in any position. The turning table is set on a sliding bed. The default Yaxis travel corresponds to the swing diameter of the machine size, but can be tailored to suit any application. Swing diameter:mm 2,000 Table diameter:mm 1,600 / 1,800 Y-axis:mm +/- 1,000 Working height max:mm 2,385 Main drive S1:kW 2x 60 - 2x 150